
Dam Good Dough

Dam Good Dough

Please contact the store direct for opening hours

07407 711151 • damgooddough@hotmail.com

Dam Good Dough is a small family run business based in Northampton and was first established at the end of 2020, creating beautiful hand crafted doughnuts that are entirely vegan friendly.

"I found myself a little more limited when eating a vegan diet, I really wanted a doughnut... so I decided to make them!" - Sophie (Owner of DGD)

After gifting doughnuts to friends and family and receiving amazing feedback, Dam Good Dough was launched in December 2020 and since then it has gone from strength to strength, not realising how quickly it could grow, the business has had overwhelming support and encouragement to take things even further.

A mini documentary - Created by Mortimer

Order Online

PLEASE NOTE: All orders placed will be for collection of the nearest Saturday to when the order is made. If you would like to place a future order for more than one week in advance, please contact us via email or phone.
Please also remember to choose and stick to your time slot.

Place an order by clicking HERE